The Graduate School of Management and Organization (GRAMO)



The Graduate School of Management and Organization (GRAMO) doctoral tutorial is held October 3-4 2024 organized by Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE) and Kataja’s GRAMO graduate school. The event will take place at the JYU campus, in Mattilanniemi, Jyväskylä.

The objective of the GRAMO tutorial is to provide an opportunity for doctoral researchers in the field of management, organization and entrepreneurship studies to present and discuss their research work and to learn how to review and provide feedback to others. Participating senior faculty members are experts in their fields and we support critical and constructive atmosphere in the sessions. Perhaps most importantly, this is an opportunity to get to know and network with colleagues from across the Finnish universities, be it doctoral researchers or faculty members, in the spirit of mutual learning. 

Doctoral researchers from all Finnish universities are welcome to submit either (1) a paper or (2) their doctoral research plan. Submissions from early- to late-stage doctoral researchers are welcome, as are both early-stage, work-in-progress, and more advanced papers.

The tutorial is targeted at, and free of charge for all doctoral students in the Finnish KATAJA member universities.


The two-day event will be organized at the campus of the JSBE, Agora building, Mattilanniemi 2. The campus is located close to the city center, 2 kilometers from the Jyväskylä city train station.

Key dates

• Doctoral tutorial submission opens: 1 August 2024

• Submission deadline: 31 August 2024 by 23:55

• Acceptance notification: 9 September 2024

• Tutorial schedule available: 15 September 2024

• Tutorial: 3-4 October 2024

Thursday:  9 am to 5 pm with evening program

Friday:  9am to 3.30 pm


Please submit your paper (or research plan) by 31.08.2023 to

email subject: Tutorial 2024 submission and your last name

Instructions for submissions

The submission for the doctoral tutorial should include the following information, all in one PDF-file:

Title Page

▪ Title of the work

▪ Name of author

▪ Starting date of doctoral studies

▪ Institutional affiliation

▪ Supervisor(s) of the dissertation

▪ The type of feedback you are looking for from the tutorial


▪ 300 words

▪ 3-5 Keywords

Main text

▪ Font Times New Roman 12 and line spacing 1.5, paragraph spacing before 6/after 6

▪ The length of the papers should not exceed 40 pages including references, tables, appendices, etc.

Instructions for sessions and presentations

Each presenter will be provided a slot of 45 minutes. Each slot consists of (1) the author’s 10-minute

presentation, (2) 20 minutes of feedback by fellow PhD and faculty discussants, and (3) 15 minutes for general discussion.

You are warmly welcome to submit your work and participate in the GRAMO doctoral tutorial 2024!

With best regards on behalf of the organizing team, 

Marjo Siltaoja, JSBE