KATAJA organizes subject courses in cooperation with six graduate schools. More information about the graduate schools can be found bellow.
Doctoral Education Network in Marketing (DENIM)
The Doctoral Education Network in Marketing (DENIM) is a cooperation network among marketing faculty in KATAJA member universities. The education programme is open to all doctoral students in marketing who are enrolled at one of the Finnish universities that offer a doctoral degree in business administration.
The objectives of DENIM are (i) to enhance the academic study of marketing and closely related research domains and (ii) to support doctoral studies within these fields.
To support the doctoral studies DENIM offers (i) core and specialized marketing courses with highly qualified international and national faculty, and (ii) participation in bi-annual national tutorials that gather Ph.D. students and faculty from all KATAJA member universities. Furthermore, DENIM offers an online networking platform to its members on LinkedIn, which can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9022553/
The board members are:
- Anna-Greta Nyström, Åbo Akademi University (chair)
- Henri Weijo, Aalto University School of Business
- Mekhail Mustak, Hanken School of Economics
- Elina Närvänen, Tampere University
- Aino Halinen-Kaila, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
- Tommi Laukkanen, University of Eastern Finland
- Outi Uusitalo, University of Jyväskylä
- Hannu Makkonen, University of Vaasa
- Pauliina Ulkuniemi, University of Oulu
- Jarkko Niemi, LUT University
The Finnish Graduate School of International Business (FIGSIB)
The Finnish Graduate School of International Business (FIGSIB) develops and coordinates doctorate level education in international business among member universities. The graduate school organizes a doctoral tutorial and doctoral courses related to international business. The FIGSIB doctoral tutorial is organized each year and that gather together international business doctoral students and faculty from all member universities. The Theories and Research in International Business -course is also organized annually. In addition, there is the target to organize each year another focused international business course, which vary. Such focused courses are, for instance, the Theories and Research in International and Global Marketing; the Theories and Research in International Entrepreneurships; and the Research Traditions in International Sales Management -courses. The FIGSIB courses are organized so that they provide high-quality teaching by inviting highly regarded international faculty to lecture in the doctoral courses in addition to domestic faculty members. FIGSIB recommends also to participate in methodology related courses organized by KATAJA such as the Applied Methods and Methodology in Cross Cultural Research, and the Time and Process in International Business research -courses.
The board members are:
- Peter Gabrielsson, University of Vaasa (chair)
- Iiris Saittakari, Aalto University School of Business
- Ahmad Arslan, University of Oulu
- Mika Gabrielsson, Hanken School of Economics
- Olli Kuivalainen, LUT University
- Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
- Irina Mihailova, University of Eastern Finland
- Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Åbo Akademi
The Graduate School of Management and Organization (GRAMO)
The graduate school of management and organization (GRAMO) operates as a networking platform connecting academics in the field of management and organization in Finland. GRAMO aims to become an internationally recognized and connected network of management scholars. In particular, GRAMO supports doctoral students in management and organization in Finland via focused courses as well as annual tutorials.
The main themes included in the remit of GRAMO are:
a) strategic management
b) management organization studies
c) entrepreneurship
d) human resource management
d) innovation management
e) responsible management
The repertoire of activities undertaken by GRAMO includes:
- organizing intensive doctoral courses and tutorials
- managing the graduate school programme
- acting as tutors in committees for individual doctoral projects
- hosting international scholars and doctoral students
- organizing thematic research groups and their workshops
- fostering national network connections to other research groups and institutions
The board members are:
- Satu Teerikangas, University of Turku (chair)
- Ewald Kibler, Aalto University
- Janne Tienari, Hanken School of Economics
- Kirsimarja Blomqvist, LUT university
- Johanna Kujala, Tampere University
- Hanna Lehtimäki, University of Eastern Finland
- Marjo Siltaoja, University of Jyväskylä
- Vesa Puhakka, University of Oulu
- Marko Kohtamäki, University of Vaasa
- Annika Laine-Kronberg, Åbo Akademi University
- Susan Meriläinen, University of Lapland
The Graduate School of Accounting (GSA)
The objective of the graduate school is to create a program to enhance the level of post graduate studies by coordinating research, teaching and tutorials carried out in different schools within the same field. Anyone who has been accepted as a post graduate student into one of KATAJAs member universities is welcome to participate in courses arranged by the GSA.
New students are accepted into GSA once a year. For students accepted the Graduate School of Accounting will offer coordinated supervision by means of thesis committees and preference to attend special courses.
The Graduate School of Accounting is run by an executive group aiming at coordinating the research in the field of accounting on a national level. The executive group is also in charge of integrating post graduate studies carried out in Finland with connected studies in Europe and the Nordic countries through EIASM and NordForsk. Nordic cooperation is also encouraged through Nordic Accounting Research Network. Assistant Professor Jaana Kettunen (Hanken School of Economics) serves as director and coordinator of the GSA, e-mail: jaana.kettunen@hanken.fi
The board members are:
- Jaana Kettunen, Hanken School of Economics
- Lasse Niemi, Aalto University School of Economics
- Kim Ittonen, Hanken School of Economics
- Jukka Pellinen, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
- Satu Pätäri, LUT University
- Hannele Mäkelä, Tampere University
- Hannu Schadewitz, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
- Hannu Ojala, University of Eastern Finland
- Jenni Kallunki, University of Oulu, Oulu Business School
- Marko Järvenpää, University of Vaasa
- Jean-Claude Mutiganda, Åbo Akademi University
The Graduate School of Finance (GSF)
GSF is a joint venture of Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, Lappeenranta University of Technology, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, University of Turku and University of Vaasa. The main objective of GSF is to promote high-quality doctoral education in finance in Finland by organizing advanced level doctoral courses, seminars and workshops. GSF offers a well-structured teaching program for obtaining a Ph.D. degree in finance for students of the member universities.
Annually we organize 5-7 PhD courses, two research workshops and Managing Doctoral Studies in Finance event for 1st year Finance PhD students. GSF is also a co-organizer of Helsinki Finance Seminar, a weekly research seminar with Aalto and Hanken. GSF is also a host institution of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN), which is a network of research and doctoral training in finance. NFN promotes doctoral education by cooperating in organizing intensive finance PhD courses and workshops for Nordic PhD students and junior faculty. In total, NFN consists of 14 member universities from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
The main objective of the GSF is to promote doctoral education in finance in Finland. It aims to do this by
(1) organizing systematic, diverse and high-quality doctoral education in finance
(2) improving the availability of research supervision
(3) developing co-operation between departments/units of the different universities offering doctoral education in finance
(4) promoting finance research to support doctoral education
(5) promoting international connections and collaboration between finance departments and doctoral programs (especially in the Nordic countries)
(6) maintaining and developing connections and collaboration with research centers, neighboring disciplines and other doctoral programs.
The director of the GSF is Dr. Mikko Leppämäki (Aalto University), email: mikko.leppamaki@aalto.fi
Additional information on the GSF and NFN can be found on the GSF and NFN websites: GSF http://gsf.aalto.fi
The board members are:
- Professor Anders Löflund (Hanken School of Economics), chairman
- Professor Mika Vaihekoski (University of Turku), vice chairman
- University Researcher Heikki Lehkonen (University of Jyväskylä)
- Associate Professor Matthijs Lof (Aalto University)
- Professor Eero Pätäri (Lappeenranta University of Technology)
- Associate Professor Elias Rantapuska (Aalto University)
- Professor Timo Rothovius (University of Vaasa)
- Professor Petri Sahlström (University of Oulu)
Graduate School of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (L&SCM)
Graduate School of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (L&SCM) was founded in the Year 2010, and operates as a national cross-disciplinary graduate school in the field in Finland. The graduate school aims at international top-level doctoral education by offering high-level courses in logistics and supply chain management. All doctoral students from L&SCM graduate school members as well as KATAJA member universities related to field are welcome to apply to the courses.
L&SCM graduate school is a joint effort of a network covering 11 collaborators: Aalto University School of Business, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, HANKEN School of Economics, LUT University, School of Business and Management, LUT University, LUT School of Engineering Science, National Defence University, University of Oulu, Oulu Business School, University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology, Turku University, Turku School of Economics, University of Vaasa, School of Technology and Innovations, and Tampere University of Technology.
The board members are:
- Anu Bask, University of Vaasa (chair) anu.bask@uwasa.fi
- Katri Kauppi, Aalto University, School of Business
- Anna Aminoff, Hanken School of Economics
- Veli-Matti Virolainen, LUT University, LUT School of Business and Management
- Jouni Juntunen, University of Oulu, Oulu Business School
- Lauri Ojala, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku