EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Humanitarian Supply Chain Management

Time: 22. – 24.5.2017

Place: Hanken School of Economics

Learning Goal and Objectives:

The aim of the course is to further the understanding of supply chain management concepts and processes in different contexts. The focus of the seminar is on analysing and conducting SCM research in the area of disaster relief. In particular, participants will
Acknowledge the contextual factors in the applicability of SCM concepts,

  • Better understand the context of humanitarian aid and disaster relief,
  • Understand the ethical and methodological constraints of research in different phases of disaster relief,
  • Prepare in particular for possible field research in humanitarian SCM, and
  • Refine their research questions and further develop their own research proposals in this area.

The seminar consists of a reading package that participants shall prepare prior to attendance. The first day of the seminar will position participants’ own research questions in extant research. Throughout the seminar, participants will be prepared for the beauty and the challenges of data collection in the humanitarian context, and gain a more thorough understanding of contextual factors in the various phases of disaster relief.

Instruction and examination: Full attendance is required to obtain the certificate.

Credits: 6 ECTS



Admittance: Interested doctoral students should register online (and submit the required documents) no later than TBC. Besides doctoral students, other researchers may participate. The number of participants will be limited to create a stimulating environment. The selection among the applicants will be conducted by the Institute’s Faculty. They will review the following documents which should necessarily complement each application form:
•    the applicant’s curriculum vitae demonstrating his/her capabilities of doing research ;
•    a letter of recommendation of his/her local faculty supporting the application ;
•    a two-page description of his/her doctoral research, indicating the general objectives, and
•    a motivation letter for taking this seminar.

Instructors: Prof. Gyöngyi Kovács, Hanken School of Economics, Finland (PROGRAMME COORDINATOR), http://www.hanken.fi/en/person/gyongyi-kovacs
Prof. Graham Heaslip, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, https://www.hanken.fi/en/person/graham-heaslip
Prof. Susanne Hertz, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden http://ju.se/en/personinfo.html?sign=HeSu
Prof. Paul Larson, University of Manitoba, Canada, http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/management/faculty_staff/academic_professors/paul-larson.html
Wojciech Piotrowicz, Hanken School of Economics, Finland

Course coordinator and contact information:

Marie-Lou Manca ( marie-lou.manca@hanken.fi)