Course Name: Empirical Corporate Finance
Time and place: 4.-6.5. & 15.-16.5.2023, Aalto University School of Business in Otaniemi, Espoo
Learning goal and objectives
This course offers a doctoral level introduction to Empirical Corporate Finance and aims to prepare doctoral students to do research on their own in this field. The course is organized around published and working papers in the field with an emphasis on econometric methods. Rather than providing an exhaustive overview of the field, the course focuses in depth on selected topics to illustrate different empirical approaches to the same or related questions. For instance using papers on ownership concentration and corporate governance, the course will highlight the following empirical themes: endogeneity, difference in difference estimators and event studies.
Instruction and examination
Professor Renée Adams (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)
Credits: 6 ECTS
Grading: Written exam, term paper and empirical exercises will comprise the final grade. Grading will be on the scale of 0-5.
Prerequisites: The course requires a good knowledge of the 1st year PhD courses in econometrics as well as some basic knowledge of corporate finance.
Admittance: 25 students. Finance PhD students have priority, but the course is also open for KATAJA-, FDPE-, and foreign doctoral students given that there is space in the course. Applications are sent directly to and application deadline will be announced later on in the course web page: The acceptances will be announced shortly after the registration deadline.
Instructors: Professor Renée Adams (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)
Course coordinator and contact information: Reetta Ali-Alha,