Measurement Modelling and Structural Equation Modelling with LISREL

Time and place: 24.-28.6.2019 at Hanken School of Economics

Learning goal and objectives

The course objective is to enable students to make positive contributions to extant knowledge in their field by enhancing their ability to a) interpret existing research findings, and also b) to conduct rigorous structural equation modelling research themselves. This objective is achieved through two aims: 1) to give students the technical skills to understand and conduct basic and advanced analysis using structural equation modelling techniques; 2) to give students the conceptual and philosophical understanding necessary to design and conduct appropriate analysis programmes for their research objectives.

Instruction and examination

Teaching: 5 days (6 hours per day, in total 30 hours) of intensive teaching, including lectures, practical exercises with LISREL (and SPSS) software, and targeted consultation and problem-solving sessions

Evaluation: Exercise assignment(s) that are evaluated.

Credits: 5 ECTS


The assignment comes in three parts, and will be graded from 0-5. You can gain 0-3 marks for your performance on part 1. To demonstrate your extra skills, and gain marks up to 5, you need to complete the other two parts successfully.

Prerequisites: Ph.D. students in KATAJA program (preferably marketing and strategy/management students)

Admittance: The maximum number of students is 25 and the participants will be selected on the basis of KATAJA’s general instructions. There is no course fee for KATAJA member universities. However, each student has to cover for her/his travel expenses, accommodation and meals.

Fill in the KATAJA’s course application form and send it to Anssi Tarkiainen by email anssi.tarkiainen[at] by the deadline (31st March, 2019). Please remember to indicate your motivation and the phase of your doctoral studies properly. The acceptance will be notified by 15th April, 2019).

Professor John W. Cadogan
Business School, Loughborough University, UK

Professor Nick Lee
Warwick Business School, UK

Course coordinators and contact information:

Associate Professor Anssi Tarkiainen
Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business and Management
P.O.Box 20
FI-53851 Lappeenranta

Professor Sanna-Katriina Asikainen
Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business and Management
Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business and Management
P.O.Box 20
FI-53851 Lappeenranta

KATAJA course application form:

University, faculty and department :
Officially accepted as Ph.D. student (when and where?):
Research field:
Subject or title of dissertation:
Phase of doctoral studies:
Motives for participating in the course: