Multivariate and Econometric analysis

Time: 01.06. – 12.06.2015

Place: Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki

Learning goal and objectives:The aim of the course is to give extensive knowledge about the main econometric and multivariate analysis methods used in business research. After completion of the course students can evaluate and compare the applicability of various multivariate methods. Moreover, students are able to estimate collect numerical data about the market environment in different countries. They can use multivariate analysis methods for cross-sectional, panel and time series data, and also are able to understand limitations of different used methods. Students can conduct the analyses with STATA / SAS software. They also learn to interpret and evaluate the results of the analyses

Core content:

1. Linear Regression and Least Squares

2. The Least Squares Estimator, with a) Finite Sample Properties, b) Asymptotic properties and c) Monte Carlo Studies and d) Interval estimation and prediction

3. Hypothesis testing

4. Functional Form and Structural Change

5. Nonlinear Regression, with a) Computation and Optimization b) Maximum Likelihood Estimation c) Bootstrapping d) Poisson Regression e) Probit and logit as examples of MLE

6. Endogeneity and Instrumental Variable Estimation

7. The Generalized Regression Model and Heteroskedasticity

8. Regression with time series data

9. Generalized Method of Moments

10. LIML and K‐class estimators

Course Requirements: Basic courses in statistics and economics.

Target Group: Doctoral students in Accounting and related areas in business research

Course Language: English

ECTS: 6 Credits

Modes of Study: 35 hours of lectures, 10 hours of exercises

Number of students: 20. Accounting PhD students have priority, but the course is also open for KATAJA-, FDPE-, and foreign doctoral students given that there is space in the course. Applications:

Tests and Grading:

Exam 1, (40%), Final exam (50%) and Assignments (10%)

Required Texts:

Greene (2012) Econometric Analysis, Seventh edition, Prentice‐Hall

Cameron and Trivedi (2010) Microeconometrics using Stata: Revised Edition, Stata Press

Suggested Reading for Supporting the Course:

Greene’s book is technical and exhaustive. Many students have found that reading a non‐technical discussion of

the issues is useful to see the “big picture.”

Hill, Griffiths, Lim, Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2011.

Adkins & Hill, Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

Hill & Campbell, Using SAS for Econometrics, John Wiley and Sons, 2012. SAS data files and code are at


Professor Carter R. Hill

Louisiana State University, E. J. Ourso College of Business, USA

Course Coordinator and Contact Person: Professor Minna Martikainen, Hanken,