Theories and Research in International Purchasing and SM

Course Description: Purchasing has increasingly become a strategic tool for companies, and international/global sourcing, in particular, has attracted an increasing attention by both researchers and companies. The aim of the course is to give an overview of main theories, research traditions, key studies and the current situation and future trends related to international purchasing and supply management, sustainable sourcing and global sourcing. Research on both company strategies and practices related to global sourcing will be analyzed. The course consists of an extensive reading package (ca. 4-500 p.), active participation during the five teaching days and writing a 20-25 page report on a topic agreed upon with one of the professors.

Learning outcomes: The aim of the course is to give an overview of main theories, research traditions, key studies and the current situation and future trends related to international purchasing and supply management, sustainable sourcing and global sourcing. Research on both company strategies and practices related to global sourcing will be analyzed.

Course requirements: See course work and evaluation

Target group: Doctoral students doing research within international business, purchasing, marketing, management, logistics and industrial economics. Ca. 20 participants will be selected based on their application. The participants will be selected based on their research areas and special needs for participating in this course.

Time: 18.08 – 22.08. 2014

Place: Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki

Course Language: English

ECTS: 6 Credits

Number of students: 25

Course work and evaluation: The course consists of an extensive reading package (ca. 4-500 p.), active participation during the five teaching days and writing a 20-25 page report on a topic agreed upon with one of the professors. The participants have to read all the material (different articles) beforehand and to be prepared to discuss them in class. The students are also expected to make a short oral presentation on the basis of their own research (study plan) and/or the articles, reflecting on their learning of the material. The final report must be handed in one month after the course ends. The aim is that the reports will become discussion papers that can eventually later be developed to conference papers. Grading (excellent, good, satisfactory) will be based on the activity of the student and the final report.


Professor Asta Salmi (Aalto University School of Business, Finland)

Assistant Professor Anu Bask (Aalto University School of Business, Finland)

Assistant Professor Anne Holma (University of Vaasa, Finland)

Assistant Professor Katri Kauppi (Aalto University School of Business, Finland)

Professor Jukka Hallikas/Veli Matti Virolainen (Lappeenranta University of Technology)

Researcher Anne Quarshie (Aalto University School of Business, Finland)

Foreign professor to be confirmed, potential teachers being Wendy Tate (University of Tennessee)/Finn Wynstra (Rotterdam School of Management)/nn.

The course involves several instructors, as its intention is to bring together Finnish experts as well as to invite one internationally leading scholar to instruct the students. This will provide the students best possibility to network with and learn from experts in the area. Asta Salmi will join in teaching sessions of others in addition to her own teaching of 1,5 days.

Course coordinator and contact person: Professor Asta Salmi, Aalto University School of Economics, (

Application deadline:

Saturday 31 of May, 2014

Students are asked to register by sending an e-mail to Asta Salmi ( and cc: ), which includes information on the stage of your doctoral studies, contact information and your reasons for taking the course (e.g. how it fits with your studies and knowledge of the area), and your CV. Confirmation of acceptance, including the final reading list and instructions, will be sent in June